Cancellation Policy
- Prior to June 1, 2024, cancellation fee is 25% for registration and all other purchases.
- From June 1-30, 2024, cancellation fee is 50% for registration and all other purchases.
- After July 1, 2024 no part of the registration fee or any purchases such as dolls or added-fee events can be refunded unless we are able to sell the doll(s)/souvenir(s) to a party on the wait list at or before the convention. If that occurs, refund will be made, minus 50% cancellation fee, within 30 days of convention end.
- No-shows at commencement of banquet are considered cancellations. - A signed cancellation/refund request must be submitted by mail or FAX. (Please contact and we will give you a mailing address and FAX number).
**No email cancellations will be accepted**